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SPES hosts testing of field/beta LR portal for kids app

San Perfecto Elementary School, Division of San Juan City, with its school principal, Dr. Lucila G. Artuyo, the school Library Teacher, Ms. Arlene Joy P. Rogel, teachers and non-teaching personnel, hosted the Field Beta Testing of the LR Portal for Kids App last January 31, 2023. The testing was conducted to the twenty-five (25) Kinder Learners and twenty-five (25) Grade One learners with the objective to gather comments and recommendations from target users on the appropriateness and usefulness of the proposed Learning Resource Portal for Kids App. It further needed to have feedback on its content, language used, and app design/ user interface. This was done at the school library.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

-Benjamin Franklin

Before the Field Test, the Master of the Ceremony, Ms. Evelyn B. Morante, Technical Assistant II of the Bureau of Learning Resources – Quality Assurance Division (BLR-QAD), oriented everybody (SDO Officials, School Head, Teachers) on the objectives and mechanics of the field testing. She also presented the persons behind the program. The DepEd Central Office BLR-QAD Team members present in the field testing were composed of Mr. Eric U. Labre, Senior Education Program Specialist (SEPS) of BLR-QAD, Ms. Aileen N. Ilagan, Technical Assistant II (TAII)-BLR-QAD, Ms. FhelJoy C. Leones, TAII-BLR-QAD, Ms. Analyn T. Serrano, Mr. Elesito Tuyor, TAII-BLR-QAD and app developer, Mr. John Mark Cabotaje, TAII-BLR-QAD, and Ms. Evelyn B. Morante, TAII-BLR-QAD. Joining the BLR-QAD Team are the members of the Regional Office Learning Management Section (NCR LRMS), Ms. Nancy C. Mabunga, Regional Librarian II and Mr. Fidel P. Gonzales, Regional Teaching Aide Specialist. The Schools Division of San Juan City team, headed by the

Superintendent, Dr. Cecille G. Carandang, CESO VI, was also present to witness the event. She was with Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Buenafe E. Sabado, CID Chief, Dr. Helen G. Padilla, LRMS Education Program Supervisor Dr. Jonas Feliciano C. Domingo, LRMS Project Development Officer II Mr. Anthony James H. Vizmanos, Kindergarten EPS Dr. Ma. Lucila Anatalio, and Division Librarian II Ms. Vilma T. Padilla.

"It wasn’t always that easy… but it’s worth it! DepEd Team listens attentively."

After the orientation of the entire team, the kindergarten learners were called inside the library. The school library was evidently conducive for this learning: the chairs and tables were arranged properly according to the health protocol as specified by the government to ensure the safety of the users and was also equipped with an 80MBPS internet connectivity speed. The facilitator, Ms. Morante, acted as the teacher. She conducted the class and motivated the children to be ready for the field test. The learners were so excited and participated actively. All present in the library helped and assisted the kids to browse and navigate the app. The learners enjoyed the activities in the app as they played, read the stories and viewed the video lessons. The testing went on smoothly. After all the learners had tried out the app and answered the Field Testing Tool with the assistance of the whole team, they were instructed to answer the Field Testing Tool independently. The facilitators collected the tool after all the learners had responded.

Learn and have fun at the same time! From L-R: ASDS – Dr. Sabado, SDS – Dr. Carandang, SEPS-Sir Eric Labre (seated) with the Kinder learners.

"Change is the result of all true learning. The impossible is now possible…"

The next batch to take the field test were the Grade One learners. They were given the same procedure as the Kinder learners. The kids were also very excited with the app. After the facilitator had oriented them on the mechanics of the activity, they were assisted by the facilitators to experience the unique but easy to navigate features of the app. They had fun and they enjoyed and learned a lot. They asked questions if there were features of the app that they could not open. When all the learners had tried out the app and answered the Field Testing Tool, the facilitators collected them and submitted to the Team Leader. The gathered recommendations shall be submitted to Mr. Elesito Tuyor, the app developer, for the implementation on the beta version for finalization.

The Field Testing was efficiently conducted. Everything ran smoothly. The learners were given each a DepEd bag and they were so happy and grateful.

Dr. Lucila G. Artuyo, the school principal, expressed her gratitude and pleasure to the DepEd Officials for choosing San Perfecto Elementary School to be the venue of the Field Testing. Likewise, a Certificate of Appearance was also given to the Team. Sir Eric Labre thanked Dr. Artuyo for accommodating the Testing of the Tool and also the SDO Team, Dr. Cecille G. Carandang for her approval.

“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”– Malcolm Forbes

While it’s safe to say that no one knows what will happen tomorrow, having an education under your belt will open the door to more opportunities. Vince Gowmon in his book entitled, Let the Fire Burn, Nurturing the Creative Spirit of Children, said that “You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen.” Likewise, Mahatma Gandhi said, “By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man; body, mind and spirit.” Education in the normal is really very challenging. The pandemic had brought changes in the learning stage of the learners.

The LR Portal for Kids App could be a learning tool that the teachers can use in the classroom. The video lessons, activities, games, and lessons are taken from the DepEd portals,made by the teachers. as explained by Sir Eric and Mr. Tuyor. The App can be accessed both online and offline. It can also be used in their homes with a minimal supervision from the parents.

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!'"— Audrey Hepburn

Article Written by:

Virginia R. Lopez
San Perfecto Elementary School - Teacher III


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