Digital teachers and learners training culminates with lesson exemplars
The 4-day intensive training on Digital Teachers and Learners Program ended on July 23, 2020 with a showcase of lesson exemplars of selected teachers from Kinder to Senior High School with the inclusion of Special Education (SpEd) and Alternative Learning System (ALS) sample lesson. Around 400 plus teachers benefitted from this webinar that ran from July 20 until 23 via the Cisco Webex platform sponsored by the external partners of the Department of Education (DepEd) San Juan City.
“Our teachers are empowered with a fresh perspective on distance learning and a wide array of digital tools and relevant information on cybersecurity. Thanks to our very competent and credible pool of trainers who are much ahead of the digital landscape,” said DepEd OIC-Superintendent Dr. Cecille G. Carandang in her message to the teachers.
Meanwhile, Dr. Jonas Feliciano C. Domingo, DepEd Supervisor for Learning Resources and Management explained, “All teachers will choose a lesson from the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) provided by DepEd Central Office. They will design lesson plans applying the learning theory and the frameworks discussed with the integration of digital tools presented during the training.”

The lesson exemplars serve as the exit requirement for all teacher-participants before they could get their certificates to be issued by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). These will be uploaded in Google drive with specific naming conventions and corresponding folders to ensure smooth access and facilitation of outputs.
The DICT-led training is part of the Learning Continuity Plan of DepEd San Juan City that ensures the readiness of teachers, school heads, and education officials to deliver distance learning through online and modular approaches. It is made possible through meaningful partnerships with the local government of San Juan and the DICT which gathered the experts from the University of the Philippines Diliman, Cisco Net Academy, Q Software Research Corporation, Google Philippines, and Habi Education Lab. Furthermore, technical assistance will be provided periodically through Learning Action Cells in the school and division level.

Article written by
Marnelli B. Tolentino - Education Program Supervisor (English)