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SDO San Juan holds Project TANGLAW to beef up LRMS Implementation in Schools

The Schools Division Office-San Juan, through the Curriculum Implementation Division-Learning Resource Management Section, conducted the Project TANGLAW: Workshop on Transfiguring Learning Resource Management in Schools on May 17-19, 2023 at the SDO Conference Hall.

The workshop aimed to: (1) reorient school LR teams and SDO instructional managers on the basic tenets of LRMDS and its delivery of instruction; (2) provide in-depth hands-on training in developing technology-assisted resource materials; (3) provide training on library management; (4) showcase the best practices of selected schools managing school libraries and digital resources; and (5) empower school LR teams in drafting an action plan.

During the Opening Program, Dr. Margarito B. Materum, Schools Division Superintendent, delivered his message to ignite the school LR teams to transfigure their existing LRMDS practices for the benefit of SDO San Juan learners. Moreover, Dr. Jonas Feliciano C. Domingo, Education Program Supervisor for LRMS, emphasized the call to be aligned with DepEd MATATAG Agenda through this activity.

The speakers for the first day were Dr. Jonas Feliciano C. Domingo, Miss Vilma T. Padilla, and Mr. Anthony James H. Vizmanos, for the topic LRMS in Schools: Towards a Plan of Action; Miss Nancy C. Mabunga, Regional Library II where she discussed Best Practices in Learning Resource and Library Management; Miss Allaine A. De Leon and Miss Dyanarha Y. Musni shared their Best Practices in Digital Learning Resource Management in School; and Miss Arlene Joy P. Rogel and Miss Florence M. Sevillo shared to the participants their Best Practices in School Library Management.

On the second day, Miss Lynderlitte M. Maglaque, Head Librarian and Supervising Science Research Specialist of DOST-STII, engaged and inspired the participants with her topics on the DOST-STII Library Literacy Program. The teacher and school head participants were thrilled to know the programs and activities that DOST-STII has in store for their patrons and to SDO San Juan as its official partner in their Library Literacy Program. STAR Books, DOSTv and their mobile applications were among the projects that the participants were able to see and experience during Miss Maglaque’s sessions.

The third and last day of Project TANGLAW was set for the hands-on workshop on the Creation/Improvement of School LR Portal and Creating Catalogues for Existing Titles in School Libraries in which Mr. Anthony James H. Vizmanos and Miss Vilma T. Padilla served as workshop facilitators for these sessions.

The workshop ended with the challenge of Dr. Materum to all the schools to make their school libraries to be functional during the Closing Program. This was positively accepted by the school LR teams and school heads.

It is hoped that from this workshop, schools through their school LR teams, continue to transfigure their ways in the implementation of LRMDS in their schools to heed the call of the DepEd MATATAG Agenda.

The participants of the said workshop were the Division LR Team, Education Program Supervisors, School LR Coordinators, Librarians and Teachers-Library-in-Charge and School Heads.

Article Written by:

Dr. Jonas Feliciano C. Domingo

Education Program Supervisor - LRMS


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