Division Orientation on Joint Delivery Voucher Program For SDO-Personnel and School Heads

The Schools Division office of San Juan City conducted the Division Orientation on Joint Delivery Voucher Program for SDO-Personnel and School Heads last January 27, 2020 at SDO-Conference Hall. The orientation aims to increase understanding on the guidelines of DO 68, S. 2018, DO 33, S.2018 and DO 19, S. 2019 and recognize the benefits derived by TVL students from the program. The DepEd shall engage the services of private education institutions and non-DepEd schools offering senior high school through the programs under Republic Act 8545 and other financial arrangements formulated by the DepEd and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) based on the principles of public-private partnership.
This JDVP-TVL is designed to optimize TVL learning by allowing SHS students enrolled in public schools to avail of vouchers and take their TVL specializations in eligible partner institutions from either private or non-DepEd public SHSs, as well as TVIs, offering their desired specializations. The TVL Track has four strands: Agri-Fishery Arts (AFA), Home Economics (HE), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Industrial Arts (IA) that offer various specializations.

Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical Vocational and Livelihood Specializations (JDVP-TVL) promotes partnerships between DepEd and qualified institutions as stipulated in RA 10533, and acknowledges the complementary roles of public and private educational institutions as stated in RA 8545 or the “Expanded Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education Act."
The activity were participated by School Heads, Supervisors, Chief SGOD and Chief CID as well as the ASDS and SDS of the Division. Dr. Grace R. Nieves Education Program Supervisor for LR/EPP/TLE/TVL of SDO-Navotas City discussed the guidelines on how learners can avail the Joint Delivery Voucher Program.
Article written by:
Amelita C. Panelo - Education Program Supervisor (English)