New Line-up of Officers and Activities for SJNHS - Senior High's Business Club
For S.Y. 2019 – 2020, a new line up of officers for the San Juan National High School – Senior High’s Business Club was formed during the early part of the 1st Semester. Gr. 12 ABM strand occupied the official positions while the Gr. 11 ABM hold the apprentice position and being trained for the duties and responsibilities of being a club officer. While club officers and majority of the members came from the ABM strand, some members were also from other academic and TVL strands.
The club is already conducting a series of activities for this year that includes outreach programs, generation of fund through selling of used bottled water and paper and preparations for the Business, Technology and Livelihood Exhibit cum Job Fair 2020 which is scheduled on February 2020.
Club Officers and members already conducted their first outreach program for the elders at the Little Sisters of the Elderly last July 26, 2019 dubbed as “Gift of Love for the Lolas”. They donated hygiene products, snacks and fruits and provided some entertainment.
Following are the new set of Business Club officers:

Article written by
Evelyn S. Plaza - Teacher II (SHS ABM Teacher & PFP Coordinator)