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A Shift to the Digital Age of L&D: SDO San Juan Launches L&D Flexi

In an effort to further enhance the current delivery of Learning and Development that aims to bolster performance of teaching and non-teaching personnel, SDO San Juan City launches its first-ever web-based L&D System called the L&D Flexi; an alternative L&D design which aims to provide accessibility to L&D Resources, allow participants the flexibility to choose learning activities and schedule that suits their needs and availability and encourage sharing of knowledge gains through the online spaces.

In the Launching witnessed by School L&D Coordinators, Assistant School Heads, School Heads, Education Program Supervisors, Education Program Specialists, SDO Section Heads, and Division Personnel, held on 1 August 2019 at the SDO Conference Hall, SDS Al Ibañez underscored the importance in the SHIFT of L&D platform from the traditional to web-based program that will enable the SDO to widen its reach to the new generation of workforce with the hopes of providing them better and more relevant professional learning and development experiences.

The following facts on L&D Flexi were also highlighted during the launching ceremony:

L&D Flexi Design or the Flexible Learning and Development Design for Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel was first introduced in the Pilot Implementation of Flexible Learning and Development Model in October 2018 during the Seminar-Workshop on Understanding New Breed of Learners. An initial assessment of the pilot implantation was done in April of 2019 that allowed the former model to evolve as a more comprehensive design that we know today as L&D Flexi. It was formally adopted by the Schools Division Office on July 19, 2019, through Division Memorandum No. 110, s. 2019.

L&D Flexi is anchored on the principle of Self-Directed Learning that encourages adult learners to determine their own needs, identify appropriate learning approaches, and learn on their own pace. It provides a mechanism of accessing and enrolling to their desired courses or classes and provides an assessment feedback mechanism that allows learners to track their progress. This feature gives the participant/learner the responsibility of their learning that promotes the development of meta-cognition and self-reflection skills among them.

Through L&D Flexi, professionals, not just limited to teaching personnel but also include nurses, accountants, engineers, and others that are employed in the SDO, can access CPD accredited courses that will enable them to earn CPD units necessary for the renewal of their Professional Identification Card.

The ceremony was ended with the expression of support from the SDO San Juan City community to the L&D Flexi Program. It was followed by a short meeting of School L&D Coordinators facilitated by the Human Resource Development Section wherein they planned for the upcoming Workshop on the Development of L&D Flexi Instructional Materials.

Article written by:

Dominique T. Rivera (Senior Education Program Specialist - SGOD)

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