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“Customer satisfaction is our best advertisement”. Alternative Learning System (ALS) program today is the forefront of molding the character and vision of the youth bringing about personal growth and in development of perspective communities. The program is a ladderized modular non-formal education program aimed at promoting literacy among out-of-school youth and adults with the end in-view of developing self-reliant, responsible and progressive citizen of tomorrow. “As we can’, boast our morale to ensure peak performance of the 2018 Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency Test.

The School Division Office (SDO) of San Juan City, in collaboration with Local Government Units (LGU), fully support the ALS program. On top of augmentation funds provided by the local government barangay units serve as a venues for learning sessions in addition to existing ALS learning centers.

As a testament to the strong support and partnership of the Division office, LGU and other stakeholders to the ALS program , the program has reached out not only to out-of-school youth but also to the employed, senior citizens and 4P’s members through the years. Likewise, two hundred seventy-two(272) out of two hundred eighty seven (287) test takers or 94.77 % passed the 2019 Accreditation and Equivalency Test ( A & E ) held last February 2019. Out of this number of A & E qualifiers are 4P’s beneficiaries, twenty (20) Kasambahay , eleven (11) Senior citizens and fourty four (44) are learners behind bars. This is unpreccedented in the history of National Capital Region and served as an indicator that our division provide quality, inclusive, relevant, and liberating learning opportunties to learners.

These achievements of ALS program in SDO-San Juan City shall further challenge the Division with sense of direction to acclerate the program in order to totally eradicate illiteracy. With commitment of Local Government of San Juan City and strong leadership of Dr. Alejandro G. Ibanez, CESO VI, School Division Superintendent, the ALS program shall become the practical option to existing formal instruction anteceding the program nationwide.

Article written by:

Anselmo B. Joven (Education Program Supervisor - ALS)

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