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38th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation

Division Seminar on Behavioral Management and Modification Techniques Training for Teachers Handling Students at Risk and Students with Special Needs. This is in connection with the celebration of the 38th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week last July 17-23 2016 at the Division Conference Hall, SDO.

This five (5) days seminar was attended by the regular teachers in elementary and secondary schools handling students at risk and students with special needs of both public and private schools, private schools administrators/ SpEd teachers, Education Program Supervisors and School Heads. The program was facilitated by the Division Administrators/ Chief SGOD and Education Program SpEd Coordinator. Its aim is to foster awareness, understanding and acceptance of teachers to the students who are suffering from disability and behavioral problems.

The program was started with a Nationalistic song and prayer through video presentation. Mrs. Elsa L. Gella, Education Program Coordinator of SpEd welcomed the participants. Mr. Virgilio A. Santos, Chief SGOD, emphasized the purpose and importance of this seminar.