Continuous Improvement Orientation takes off in DepEd San Juan City

In keeping with the thrust to synergize people to work for a common goal and continuous l y improve, DepEd San Juan allotted three days to conduct an orientation on the Continuous Improvement (CI) Program on Oct. 12-14, 2015 at the SDO Conference Hall. Participants to this activity were the supervisors in the different learning areas and the school heads from the 8 public elementary schools and the lone public secondary school who all came with two of their best teachers to comprise their respective CI Teams.
The orientation featured the three-stage process of CI called the Three A’s, Assess-Analyze-Act, of which the nine steps found therein were discussed by members of the Division CI Team. This was headed by SGOD Chief, Mr. Virgilio A. Santos, with the following members: Dr. Juphet A. Capuyan, principal of San Perfecto ES; Ms. Helen G. Padilla, Science supervisor; Mr. Demie S. Atienza, program specialist for Monitoring and Evaluation, Social Mobilization, Networking and Linkages; and Mr. Vicente V. Varon, program specialist for Human Resource Development, Planning and Research. Each of them took turns in going through the salient points that enabled the participants to see CI and its impact to the central issues of Philippine education rooted in the key result areas of access, quality, and governance.
The principles were further strengthened through the paper airplane workshops spread throughout the duration of the orientation which were subject to different interpretations. These were collectively processed by the facilitators as indicated in the guidebook sponsored by the Australian Aid-supported Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) Program.
Snippets of these insights are found in the following reflections:
Relationships matter in an organization. If there is strain, operation is affected that results in inactivity, thus, the group becomes UNPRODUCTIVE.
If issues are not addressed, friction happens, problems escalate.
Communication is important. If needs are not articulated well, tension arises. Roles are not observed even if these were identified very clearly at the onset.
Intention is good but it is never ENOUGH. Hitting the goals requires COORDINATED ACTION.
A good leader sets the mood of the operation, to keep everyone on toes and accountable for each other’s work.
Commitment means getting things done according to one’s capacity and mandate even against all odds and despite of all the distractions hovering around the system.
Integrity is shown when people choose to do the right thing even when nobody is checking.
Everybody is important in the group. All have something to contribute. That is the essence of TEAMWORK.
Matured people can set aside personal issues and preferences so things can be done on time.
In operations, it is wise to bank on the strengths of the members so everyone feels valued and appreciated. If all are neophytes, attitude matters a lot. Skills can be learned. Self-entitled people are difficult to work with.
Respect means participating willfully in the exercises regardless of one’s positions, designations, age, gender or whatever social status there is. Matured people try not to lose their souls and values just to deliver the needs of the customer in the market.
It is sad that while the group is able to deliver customer needs but loses the trust, respect, and confidence of the group members, the company still loses. Relationships over things and quotas matter.
People work differently. But it would be a lot better if members are able to work harmoniously despite the quirkiness and peculiarities because everyone is united with the same vision and mission.
Doing the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and applying the lessons learned in the workshops will definitely improve the operations. It lends a scientific approach to address the identified issues and concerns. Participants are able to appreciate the process if they experience it first-hand.
In life, it is not really important that you have the perfect team or condition. It rarely happens. What matters is the collective desire to hurdle the challenges, accept the limitations, act now, and move forward with the practical gains of the process and relative peace in one’s heart. The Triple A’s are good steps to follow to achieve the targets.
In closing, participants were equipped with the understanding of the goals of CI. It entails commitment and hard work to attain the desired outcomes but speaking the same language makes it easier to facilitate the process. It helps that the leadership is very competent, generous, and hands on in their conduct of duty as OIC Superintendent, Dr. Jenilyn Rose B. Corpuz, talked about priorities in her concluding remarks. At the end of the day, each one is regarded as important in contributing meaningfully in nation-building through education by achieving work-life balance for peak performance all in pursuit of championing the cause for the learners of today’s generation.