To sustain the culture of excellence in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao as one important disciplines in the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum, the Division Demonstration-Teaching in EsP for Elementary and Secondary Level was held at Schools Division Office Conference Hall last November 23 and November 24, 2016. The program was attended by Education Program Supervisors, School Heads, Grade 5 and Grade 10 teachers including School Coordinators in Values Education.

The Opening Program started with the Singing of the Philippine National Anthem followed by Song for the Lord rendered by San Juan National High School Chorale with Mr. Jundee Torrefranca, conducting. The Welcome Remarks was given by Dr. Felicito M. Angeo, SGOD-Chief. The Inspirational Message was delivered by Dr. Emma A. Sendiong, Education Program Supervisor for Guidance and Values Education. Councilor Vincent Rainier Pacheco graced the event and represented Mayor Guia Gomez as Keynote speaker.
Dr. Nonita Y. Sajo, School Head, Pedro Cruz Elementary School formally introduced the two demonstration teachers; Ms. Maria Daisy Y. Bisquera, Teacher 1, Salapan Elementary School, (District I), and Mrs. Maria Magdalena E. Espetero, Teacher 1, Sta. Lucia Elementary Schools. They were accompanied by their ever-supportive school principals, Mr. Lloyd T. Tulaylay and Mr. Vito M. Mengote.
The two competent teachers demonstrated an exemplary lesson in Grade 5 about criticizing the good and the bad effects of the different forms of media in oneself and members of the family (newspaper, magazine, radio, television, movie and internet). They showcased some best practices in teaching EsP such as utilizing ICT and other state-of-the-art visual aids, new techniques and strategy in teaching the subject.
Ms. Daisy Bisquera shows her teaching expertise for the Division Mrs. Sumio facilitates the group activity Demo a Teaching in ESP, Elementary Level
Ms. Anjanette Giray shows her teaching prowess during the Ms. Magdalena Espetero takes the floor for demo teaching for demonstration teaching in ESP Elementary Level
The post-conference was led by Dr. Emma A. Sendiong and Dr. Nonita Y. Sajo. They also solicited comments and suggestions from the education program supervisors and school heads. This was followed by the awarding of certificates and token.
On the second day of the demonstration teaching, the two secondary teachers , Ms. Anjanet T. Giray, teacher I and Mrs. Sheila Roz F. Sumio, Teacher III both Values Education teachers from San Juan National High School were introduced by their school principal, Mrs. Lucila G. Artuyo. They prepared a one-week lesson in Grade 10 with an integration of Cybersafe lesson for Junior High School which was launched by the Department of Education.
The Division Demonstration-Teaching in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao was held to implement the utilization of Daily Lesson Log (Annex IC to Dep-Ed Order No. 42, s.2016) in all learning areas..
Article written by:
Dr. Emma A. Sendiong (Education Program Supervisor - Guidance and Counseling / Values Education)